Mar 12th 2016 |
IN DECEMBER an adviser to China’s government predicted that GDP growth would soon rebound. Now was a good time, he said, to buy shares in companies that mined copper, nickel and coal—though even he drew the line at investing in iron ore, whose supply was simply too abundant. The adviser sounded insanely bullish back then; he might now rue his caution. On March 7th the price of iron ore jumped by 19%, a record one-day rise, in a sign of renewed optimism about China’s growth.
The spike in the iron-ore price came hard on the heels of a speech by Li Keqiang, China’s prime minister, to the annual National People’s Congress in Beijing. In it, Mr Li announced a punchy GDP growth target of 6.5-7% for 2016, along with the means he hoped would secure it: a bigger budget deficit than had been planned for last year and faster credit growth.
With sufficient stimulus China will avoid a sharp economic slowdown. But Mr Li did not simply open the macroeconomic spigots. He hinted that the fiscal boost would be designed to help rebalance the economy: China is aiming for just 3% growth in government revenue this year, suggesting that more of the deficit will come from tax cuts to private firms. He made clear that reforms to reduce overcapacity in low-end and inefficient industries were a priority. And by switching from a single-figure growth target to a range, Mr Li gave himself more flexibility in trading off some GDP growth for more reform.
Look closer, though, and there is little sign of any real commitment to reform (see article). Promises to slim industries such as steel and coal sound tough—the government expects nearly 2m workers will be laid off—but the planned reduction would make only a small dent in oversupply. Instead the government seems to be doubling down on its well-worn recipe of debt- and investment-fuelled growth.
Reaching the goal of 6.5-7% GDP growth will require either a fudging of the figures or investment in projects of dubious worth. A second train line to remote and mountainous Tibet is planned. Banks are being leant on to juice up the economy. Credit is growing at twice the rate of nominal GDP, in a country already overburdened by private debt. A big increase in the money supply will put downward pressure on China’s currency, which in turn will lead either to a rapid rundown in foreign-exchange reserves or a devaluation.
In theory, China’s capital controls can ease the pressure, by making it harder for money to leave the country. And the latest figures suggest they are becoming more effective. Reserves dropped by just $29 billion in February, to $3.2 trillion, after three months of heavier falls. But even if China can successfully police its financial borders, rapid credit growth will fuel asset prices at home. Wary of the stockmarket, investors with cash to spare see property as the safest bet. Unregulated online lenders are helping them pile on leverage, skirting rules requiring minimum down-payments on homes. There are worrying signs of a bubble in several big cities: house prices in Shenzhen have risen by 53% in the past year (see article).
Supporting a sagging economy with cheap money and tax cuts is sensible. But China also needs to put in place the structural reforms that will make such stimulus both more effective and less destabilising.
The default of a few of the most hopeless state-owned enterprises, something Mr Li again promised in his speech, would set a useful precedent. It might also nudge banks into lending to profitable businesses instead of firms they expect to be bailed out by government. New homes with few ready buyers in lower-tier cities should be turned into social housing; better that than trying to pump up a broader property bubble to clear unsold stocks. In places where house prices are soaring, the government should summon the courage to introduce a long-discussed property tax to cool speculation. And now would be a good time to recapitalise China’s banks in readiness for a write-down of the latent bad debts on their balance-sheets.
Yet the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, apparently wishes to avoid even mild turbulence in the economy, at least until he has appointed his own nominees to the Standing Committee of the Politburo, a key decision-making body, in 2017. (Many suspect that reform will remain elusive even after that date.) Mr Xi is scarcely alone among world leaders in setting policy with an eye on the political calendar. But financial markets cannot be relied on to play along with this schedule. At some point, China must deal with its excess debts and industrial overcapacity. By taking bolder steps on reforms now, China would do more to entrench faith in its longer-term economic outlook than stimulus measures ever could.
作者:黃維德編譯 2016-03-15